About Me

Hey there!

I’m Jayvy, a San Francisco Bay Area native and a self-taught Android Developer working towards becoming a professional Software Engineer in Android.

My road to began in 2016 with Udacity’s Android Basics: Nanodegree, a beginner-friendly intro course for those looking to dive into the world of Android Mobile.

By mid-2017, I had finished the course and began making arrangements to moving up to their “career-ready” Android Nanodegree curriculum.

Luckily for me, Google had initiated a co-sponsored partnership with Udacity through a program called the Grow with Google Challenge around the same time. I decided to give that a shot!

So I joined…

…over the span of three months, worked through the Challenge Phase with 10,000 other Mobile Developer peers…

…got selected as an Android Track Scholar! (WhooooHOOOOO!)…

…and graduated the Android Nanodegree Program in November 2018!

However, the tech industry evolves at a rapid rate. Android Development is in a constant state of change. Thus, a willingness to adopt a consistent learning pattern is key.

I’ll be using this site to document and showcase my work throughout my journey to understanding the latest libraries and methodologies in Android Development. In the future, I plan to use follow up posts to tease the projects I’ve been (or will be) working on. Checkout my projects page for a more visual look at my work. My Github will also be available in my info section for anyone willing to get an in-depth look at my code.

If you got this far. Thanks for reading! :)

Brb. Back to the grind.