
Learn Beginner Japanese: Phrases, Vocab, and Hiragana

An Inside Look:

The core function of the app is to provide reference and quick access to commonly used Japanese Vocabulary and Phrases displayed in their Romaji (Western 26 letter-alphabet) form.

More eager and curious users can take their learning a step further by accessing the app’s Hiragana Syllabary, which provides an audio sample of each Hirgana character’s phonetic pronunciation and a respective GIF Image visual of their stroke order patterns.

Lastly, the app does provide a English -> Japanese translation feature based off Google’s Cloud Translate API. In its current form, the sole purpose is to provide a simple method of translation for any material not covered by the app or too complex for novice-level Japanese speakers.

An Inside Look:

Popular Movies is a fully-featured application that requests movie information from The Movie Database API over a web service.

The app is able to pull the most recent data on all movies released to-date and sort them according to popularity, rating, or by user favorited titles. Currently transitioning the code to implement a more modern architecture and database with the help of Android Architecture Components.